For anyone practicing the Keto (lifestyle) diet, it’s highly recommended to schedule regular doctor’s visits to have comprehensive blood test done. This will ensure that a normal range is maintained for blood glucose, hemoglobin and other critical laboratory screenings. Anemia and low blood sugar are possible risk factors for the malnourished and diabetics practicing the Keto diet without adequate medical supervision. It may be necessary to use a glucose meter at home to check the blood sugar when symptoms of low blood sugar are present.
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Keto Diet Mistakes
4 Mistakes Most People Make When Following A Keto Diet
The ketogenic diet is probably the most famous diet program across the globe. It’s not just known for its fat loss benefits but it also aids in treating numerous medical issues like epilepsy, diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer. All what you need give up is the carbohydrates such as bread, rice, potato, chapati, sugars, and all the junk food, of course. To be precise, the diet comprises of the 75% healthy fats, 20% protein and 5% Carbohydrates (hidden carbs). However, despite being the most popular and effective fat loss diet, a lot of people fail to drop body fat using the ketogenic diet. With this article, we shall be discussing the 4 common mistakes.
1) Too Much Protein
During a keto diet, our body switches its metabolism from glucose to ketones. Too much protein in the diet pulls you out of the ketosis and the body again switches to the glucose as an energy source through the process called gluconeogenisis. Exceeding the protein ratio as per the keto diet plan would not let the body to use stored body fat as energy effectively. Therefore, always keep the protein as per the required ratio.
2) Too Much Fat
Well, no wonder the ketogenic diet is a super high fat diet but at the end of the day, the fat loss is determined by the calories in versus calories out. Excess of fat will also restrict the speed of fat loss in the keto diet program. However, the plus point is, excess of fat will still not spike the insulin level in your body as the carbohydrate/sugar does. Therefore, always get your diet planned; by a certified nutritionist who could provide you with an accurate diet plan as per the required macro nutrient ratio.
3) Don’t Go Nuts For Nuts
Nuts are allowed in the keto diet, but wait! Are you among those who just love binging peanuts, cashews or almonds as a filler meal. If yes, then probably you are taking yourself out of the ketosis state. 50 grams of cashews or peanuts simply gives you around 10gram of carbohydrates, and incase, you are eating around 100 grams or above, the chances of exceeding the carbs ratio hikes, by just binging those crunchy nuts. Remember, you stay in the ketosis effectively only when you maintain the carbs intake less than 30 grams per day.
4) Lack Of patiencE
Lot of the people follow the keto diet just for a week or 10 days and unfortunately, quit! Just because they are not losing any pounds and not at all feel as energetic as a person on the ketosis state feels. Well, one needs to understand the fact that we have been on carbohydrates since we came to this planet. On the other hand, when we are trying to switch our metabolism, which has been glucose adapted since so many years, it takes at least 6-8 weeks (depending upon metabolism) to switch from glucose to ketones. One has to be patient and stay persistent with their diet to witness the coveted results.
(Credit: Rachit Dua, 2016)
Keto Vigor
keto: A high-fat, moderate protein, low-carb diet.
Vig.or – (noun): Physical strength and good health.